Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Wednesday is:

According to the little moon chart (scroll down and you will see it on the right) it is officially now a 100% full moon. That's a little reminder to any of you out there that are into big moons.


The new site is about to launch. As some of you may know, up until October I was editor for what is supposedly the largest motorcycle magazine in Texas. The publisher and I had differing opinions on the route the magazine should take -- he felt it should be 98% ads -- literally -- so given the fact that he owns the thing, I saw it pointless to try to disuade him. It was easier for me to leave -- and the odd thing is that with the exception of 1 person, all the other contributors left as well.

Anyway, so given the fact that everyone has a following, we decided to do our own magazine but rather than messing with deadlines, ad revenues, printing, distribution, etc., we decided to go virtual -- instant global market and can be update in real-time. If you are into biking - definitely check it out -- Michael put the whole site together and it's really dynamic.


Do you get into a funk about the doom and gloom of the news world? Check out -- it's pretty cool and upbeat!

Enjoy the bella luna!

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